Author: PCAP Coordinator

PACCS Minutes 16-06-2016

Pewsey Area Crime & Community Safety – PACCS – meetings are held every quarter in the Pewsey Parish Office at 2.30pm.  Dates are advertised on this website.  The next meeting is on Thursday 22nd September 2016.

The purpose of the forum is to discuss issues and set priorities for the Pewsey Community Area with Parish Councils, the Police, Wiltshire Fire & Rescue Service, Wiltshire Council officers and other interested parties.

All Parish Councils and other interested community organisations are welcome to attend.

It is chaired by Peter Deck.


Download the minutes for the PACCS meeting on 16th June 2016



PACCS Minutes 17-02-2016

Pewsey Area Crime & Community Safety – PACCS – meetings are held every quarter in the Pewsey Parish Office at 2.30pm.  Dates are advertised on this website.  The next meeting is on Thursday 16th June 2016.

The purpose of the forum is to discuss issues and set priorities for the Pewsey Community Area with Parish Councils, the Police, Wiltshire Fire & Rescue Service, Wiltshire Council officers and other interested parties.

All Parish Councils and other interested community organisations are welcome to attend.

It is chaired by Peter Deck.

Inspector Nick Mawson from Wiltshire Police  presented the new Community Policing Model at the February meeting.


Download PACCS Minutes from 17th February 2016


This document is the presentation delivered by Inspector Nick Mawson to the Pewsey Area Crime and Community Safety meeting on 17th February and is now slightly out of date.  The sixth slide is titled Current Situation and states “Consultation yet to commence”. Internal consultation commenced on 10th March 2016 and depending on the result of this, public consultation will follow:

Download the Community Policing Model & Control Strategy Presentation


This document is the updated information from the Head of Corporate Communications at Wiltshire Police in relation to the Community Policing Model pilot and consideration of the wider roll out:

Download the Community Policing Briefing dated 17th May 2016


Emergency Planning Workshop – Book Your Place!

Emergency Planning flyer001

This Emergency Planning Workshop is being organised by Pewsey Area Board in partnership with Pewsey Community Area Partnership (PCAP) for parish councils and community groups.

The workshop will be led by a range of experts who deal with flooding, snow, storm, public health and the emergency services.

A range of tools and templates will be provided to refresh emergency plans for your communities, and to discuss any issues or queries that you may have.

Refreshments will be available from 5.30pm.

This will be a really informative multi-agency event ,  a chance to speak with experts,  refine your emergency plans and network with other parishes.

Please confirm your attendance before 31 December 2015

Email: to book your place.

Message from The Messenger


The Messenger publication is well loved and instantly recognised by anyone in the Pewsey Vale.  It’s produced  ten times a year and covers the parishes of Alton Barnes, Alton Priors, Beechingstoke, Charlton St Peter, Easton Royal, Huish, Manningford Bruce, Milton Lilbourne, North Newnton, Oare, Pewsey, Rushall, Stanton St Bernard, Upavon, Wilcot, Woodborough and Wootton Rivers.

It’s so useful and includes information on Church services, events at the Bouverie Hall, coach trips, interesting and relevant articles, and lots more.

As with all things free in life, in the background there is an army of helpers who put this publication together and it all culminates in the ‘Collating Day‘.  This is the day when the printed pages are collated and stapled and it takes place on the last Thursday of every month (the next collating date is always on or around page 4 of each issue).

It’s good fun, with no bending or lifting, no rushing around and, of course, plenty of tea and cake and chit-chat.

The team starts collating at 9am and is finished by 10.30am/11am, so it’s not onerous and perhaps could be fitted around dropping children off to school or nursery.

If you would like to get involved, then just pop in at the next session or email


PACCS Minutes 28-10-2015

Pewsey Area Crime & Community Safety – PACCS – meetings are held every quarter in the Pewsey Parish Office, normally on a Wednesday at 2.30pm.  Dates are advertised on this website.  The next meeting is on Wednesday 17th February 2016.

The purpose of the forum is to discuss issues and set priorities for the Pewsey Community Area with Parish Councils, the Police, Wiltshire Fire & Rescue Service, Wiltshire Council officers and other interested parties.

All Parish Councils and other interested community organisations are welcome to attend.

It is chaired by Peter Deck.

Download PACCS Minutes from 28th October 2015
Download Police Report


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