Author: PCAP Coordinator

PCAP Meeting 25-06-2015 – Reports & Minutes

Minutes and documentation from the PCAP Meeting on 25th June 2015 at Stanton St Bernard Village Hall.

PACCS Minutes 17-06-2015

Pewsey Area Crime & Community Safety – PACCS – meetings are held every quarter in the Pewsey Parish Office, normally on a Wednesday at 2.30pm.  Dates are advertised on this website.  The next meeting is on 21st October.

The purpose of the forum is to discuss issues and set priorities for the Pewsey Community Area with Parish Councils, the Police, Wiltshire Fire & Rescue Service, Wiltshire Council officers and other interested parties.

All Parish Councils and other interested community organisations are welcome to attend.

It is chaired by Peter Deck.

These are the minutes from the meeting on 17th June 2015.

2015-06-17 PACCS Minutes Final v2

Pewsey Vale Care Cafe

The first Pewsey Care Cafe (Memory Cafe) took place on Tuesday 16th June at the Scout Hut in Pewsey.    It was great fun and full of introductions as people got to know one another over a cup of tea, cake and biscuits.  We talked about life, news, how to make the perfect cup of tea and what the group would like to do in the coming months – so lots of ideas for us to work on.

The Care Cafe is a monthly cafe for those with dementia and their carers and is being run by the Pewsey Vale Dementia Awareness Group (PVDAG), part of PCAP.  It is for anyone who lives in the Pewsey Community Area and its immediate surrounds.

A real community initiative, the Cafe couldn’t have happened without the efforts of the members of the PVDAG, the support and generous donations as a result of our foray into Crowdfunding and the donation (every month) of refreshments by the Pewsey Spar Shop.

The full list of Care Cafe dates can be found here.

For more information about volunteering or attending the Cafe, contact

Rural Crime Prevention

Wiltshire Police has launched its rural crime prevention booklet.

94% of Wiltshire is classed as rural areas so there is some great information inside that could be relevant to you.

The booklet gives advice on the following topics:
•Farmhouse and outbuilding security
•Vehicles, machinery and boundaries
•Fuel tank and heating oil security
•Livestock and horse identification and protection
•Protection of wild animals, poaching and hare coursing

The majority of the photos from the booklet were supplied by members of the public through a photo competition Wiltshire Police held earlier in the year. Please have a read and remember if you see any suspicious activity to ring it in on 101.

PACCS Minutes 04-03-2015

Pewsey Area Crime & Community Safety – PACCS – meetings are held every quarter in the Pewsey Parish Office, normally on a Wednesday at 2.30pm.  Dates are advertised on this website.

The purpose of the forum is to discuss issues and set priorities for the Pewsey Community Area with Parish Councils, the Police, Wiltshire Fire & Rescue Service, Wiltshire Council officers and other interested parties.

All Parish Councils and other interested community organisations are welcome to attend.

It is chaired by Peter Deck.

These are the minutes from the meeting on 4th March 2015.

2015-03-04 PACCS Minutes Final v2

The next meeting is on Wednesday 17th June 2015 at 2.30pm at Pewsey Parish Office.


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