Category: Document

PCAP documentation and records.

PACCS Minutes 06-08-2014

Pewsey Area Crime & Community Safety – PACCS – meetings are held every quarter in the Pewsey Parish Office, normally on a Wednesday at 2.30pm.  Dates are advertised on this website.

The purpose of the forum is to discuss issues and set priorities for the Pewsey Community Area with Parish Councils, the Police, Wiltshire Fire & Rescue Service, Wiltshire Council officers and other interested parties.

All Parish Councils and other interested community organisations are welcome to attend.

It is chaired by Peter Deck.

These are the minutes from the meeting on 6th August 2014.

2014-08-06 PACCS Minutes v2 Final

The next meeting is on Wednesday 12th November 2014 at 2.30pm at Pewsey Parish Office.


Consolidated Parish Issues Report

Every quarter, the parish councils in the Pewsey Community Area let us know what their (up to) 3 main issues are.

These are then consolidated across the area and the Consolidated Parish Issues report is used to determine what our priorities are and how we can help to get the issues resolved.

The report contains current quarter and previous quarters’ data as well as a summary page showing the issues over time.

The latest version will always be linked to on this page.

2014-07 Consolidated Parish Issues Report v3 Final

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