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PACCS Minutes 04-03-2015

Pewsey Area Crime & Community Safety – PACCS – meetings are held every quarter in the Pewsey Parish Office, normally on a Wednesday at 2.30pm.  Dates are advertised on this website.

The purpose of the forum is to discuss issues and set priorities for the Pewsey Community Area with Parish Councils, the Police, Wiltshire Fire & Rescue Service, Wiltshire Council officers and other interested parties.

All Parish Councils and other interested community organisations are welcome to attend.

It is chaired by Peter Deck.

These are the minutes from the meeting on 4th March 2015.

2015-03-04 PACCS Minutes Final v2

The next meeting is on Wednesday 17th June 2015 at 2.30pm at Pewsey Parish Office.


Useful documentation for Parish Councils

Dawn Wilson, in her role as Parish Councillor for Wilcot & Huish (with Oare) created the attached documents which other parish councils may find useful.

The first is a summary of the notes taken from the Parish Councillor training by WALC (Wiltshire Association of Local Councils) and is a good starting place for new Councillors or as a refresher.

Parish Council Notes

The second is a template that Parish Councils can use to check the quality of what they deliver – are you doing everything you should do and are you doing it the right way?

Parish Council Quality Review Template

Let us know if you have useful information to share with other Parish Councils in the Pewsey Community Area by emailing

Village Halls – at the heart of our communities

Most of our village halls are well used and provide an important hub for our parishes, particularly at this time of year.  In order to make them affordable to local people and keep them well-maintained, a constant pipeline of events needs to be maintained.  How a hall is marketed and advertised plays a major part of maintaining the pipeline.

Many people look for locations to hold events by searching the internet – particularly if they don’t know the area very well.  An on-line presence is therefore important to all village halls.  These are some pointers to assist you – by all means let us know if you have any words of advice to add to this!

Wiltshire Village Halls Association (WHVA) –

You have to be a member to register your hall on this website – annual membership costs £37 and has other benefits:

  • Full support from the Village Hall Advisory Service
  • Full membership of Community First
  • Full membership of the National Village Halls Forum
  • Access to individual advice from the WVHA committee and other Member Halls via a mentoring scheme
  • Regular editions of First News
  • Discounted fees for information events and training

Contact the secretary – Carol Southall at

Halls Hire –

No membership fee required and this website covers the whole of the UK.

Halls for Hire –

No membership fee required and this website covers the whole of the UK.

Facebook –

Not everyone wants to be on Facebook, but it does offer free opportunities.  You can set up your village hall as a Page on Facebook and get people to support it and post comments.  Of course not all of these may be good, but you can respond to comments to demonstrate you have put something right if there is a complaint which is a positive thing to do.  You can use your Facebook page to advertise events and to share news.

You can also keep an eye out on local Facebook Notice Boards (e.g. Pewsey Notice Board, Upavon Notice Board – there are lots out there!) where people are asking for recommendations for a venue and then respond with details of yours.

Pewsey Community Area Partnership –

We have all the parishes in the Pewsey Community Area listed and their village halls also listed with a link to their website or page on one of these sites.  If you would like yours included (for free) on our website, just email me with the link to the detailed hall info and confirm the name of your hall.  See to see whether you have already been added.

PACCS Minutes 12-11-2014

Pewsey Area Crime & Community Safety – PACCS – meetings are held every quarter in the Pewsey Parish Office, normally on a Wednesday at 2.30pm.  Dates are advertised on this website.

The purpose of the forum is to discuss issues and set priorities for the Pewsey Community Area with Parish Councils, the Police, Wiltshire Fire & Rescue Service, Wiltshire Council officers and other interested parties.

All Parish Councils and other interested community organisations are welcome to attend.

It is chaired by Peter Deck.

These are the minutes from the meeting on 12th November 2014.

2014-11-12 PACCS Minutes v2 Final

The next meeting is on Wednesday 4th March 2015 at 2.30pm at Pewsey Parish Office.


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