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No Cold Calling Zones

A scheme from Wiltshire Council that can be implemented in parishes to make it clear that cold calling and doorstep trading is not allowed in certain areas.  Refusal by doorstep traders to go away may be a criminal offence.

This toolkit provides the information any group or Parish Council will need to set up a No Cold Calling Zone in their area:

NCCZ toolkit final version

Gauging interest in a Pewsey Area Community Christmas Lunch

This idea has come through the Pewsey Noticeboard on Facebook and Susan Connolly who runs the Spar Shop in Pewsey has stepped up to the plate to find out whether there is an appetite (no pun intended!) for a Christmas Day Lunch for residents of the Pewsey Community Area and to manage the event if there is sufficient interest.  This is targeted at any age group, for anyone who may find Christmas day a bit lonely or if they are unable to cook – or if they just want a bit of company.

All and any interest must be back with Susan by Friday 14th November ( so that we can gauge whether there is sufficient interest to run the lunch.

There are two files:

This is a register type document that can be printed and put in your local shops/pubs/halls so people can sign up if they are interested.

Community Christmas Day Lunch Register

This is a poster to advertise the idea which you can put on noticeboards/facebook pages/websites or use as you wish.

Community Christmas Day Lunch Poster

Connect2 Wiltshire Pewsey-Devizes Bus Consultation – Questionnaire & Meeting!

Wiltshire Council has been working with the Devizes and Pewsey Community Area Partnerships to develop an alternative option for the current Connect2 Wiltshire bus services operating between Devizes, Pewsey and beyond.  This has come about following concerns over Wiltshire Council’s original service proposals consulted on in Spring 2014.

Now that we have an alternative, we are keen to hear the views of local residents, passengers, potential passengers, parish councils, businesses and all other interested parties that could  benefit from these bus services. 

The savings need to be made and are unavoidable, but the service improvements, which include a combination of fixed and flexible routes,  as well as a rail link might provide some compensation.

This is your chance to say what you think of the changes.  There is still time to adapt the services to meet real travel needs.

Completed questionnaires should be emailed to or sent to The Passenger Transport Unit, Wiltshire Council, Trowbridge BA14 7PX

Email if you need more information.


  • Drop in session:
    • Tuesday 11th November from 2:30pm to 8:00pm at Bouverie Hall, Pewsey
  • Public Meeting:
    • Wednesday 12th November 7:00pm at Corn Exchange, Devizes

Consultation closes on Wednesday 10th December 2014. 

CRT Canal Meetings

These meetings are held on a regular basis for anyone with an interest in the Kennet & Avon Canal to discuss and find resolutions to issues on and around the canal.  The forum is owned by the Canal & River Trust (CRT).

The forum was set up as a result of Parish Councils raising issues through the Parish Issues Report and the issue being discussed at one of the Pewsey Area Crime & Community Safety meetings, which focused on the issues raised.

Minutes from the meetings are published here for information and the meeting dates are on the PCAP calendar.

Tourism Matters in the Pewsey Vale

This is an initiative to look at how Pewsey Vale can attract more tourists and keep them here for longer with the economic benefit that ensues.

An event was held at the Pewsey Heritage Centre on 30th September 2014, which was attended by just over 40 local tourism-related business people.

The mediator for the event was Patrick Wilson (Chair of Pewsey & District Chamber of Commerce; Vice-Chair of PCAP) and the speakers were as follows:

Pewsey Heritage Centre Mike Asbury Manager, Pewsey Heritage Centre
Tourism in Wiltshire & the Pewsey Vale David Andrews Chief Executive, VisitWiltshire PDF Image
LEADER Funding & Opportunities Dawn Hamblin LEADER Programme Manager, North Wessex Downs Action Group  PDF Image
North Wessex Downs Update Oliver Cripps Director, North Wessex Downs AONB
Treasure Trails David Gill Managing Director, Inspirational Media  PDF Image
How a Tourism Partnership Works Tony Aldridge Devizes Tourism Partnership  PDF Image

Patrick Wilson Opening the event Mike Asbury on the Pewsey Heritage Centre  Mike Gale's lovely Barn Owl Mike Gale discussing the finer points with Michael MoundeTony Aldridge on the Devizes Tourism Partnership Oliver Cripps providing information on the NWD and LEADER funding

Debbie getting the water hot for tea Hannah getting the drinks ready at the start of the event


Road Art in Pewsey

This project was to celebrate the Tour of Britain coming through the Pewsey Vale – en route from Devizes to Hungerford – and right through the length of the Pewsey Community Area.

It also was timed so that it would fall in the middle of the Pewsey Carnival fortnight and so became part of the Have a Go at Carnival programme of activities for young people.

Making the most of the already existing road closures in Pewsey, the team met at 5.30pm with Sue Faux of Faux Art, and the painting began – from King Alfred down to the Co-op entrance – fun was had by young and old all evening, whilst the Carnival lights went on and the Four Legged Race – or Parade! – took place.

The next day was fabulous – so many people turned up to watch the Tour of Britain pass through and the road art was talk of the county.

In Progress Caught in the act! From King AlfredAerial Shot of the road art The finished jobTour of Britain Tour of Britain from above Tour of Britain & Street Art

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